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Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Squid Proxy Server Configuration With MySQL Authentication

In this article we discuss about how to configure squid proxy server with MySQL authentication. After configure squid using below steps all proxy clients requires MySQL username and password for internet access.

For Squid server installation steps click on How to install squid proxy server

Note – All commands are tested on CentOS 7

Squid Configuration with MySQL Authentication

1.     Log in to your CentOS server with root permission and edit “squid.conf” file using vi editor command below,
vi /etc/squid/squid.conf

2.     Enter below line at the beginning of the configuration file
auth_param basic program /usr/lib64/squid/basic_db_auth --user mysqlusername --password mysqlpassword --plaintext --persist

            Note: Enter syntax in single line

            In first part of the syntax we define authentication param and call plugin to support authentication where “/usr/lib64/squid/basic_db_auth” is default plugin path for 64bit servers if its 32bit path should be  “/usr/lib/squid/basic_db_auth” like this.
            For MySQL server installation tutorial click MySQL server installation

            Next part you have to enter the mysql username and password to access database.
            “- -user” – mysql username
“- - password” – mysql password
You should configure “basic_db_auth” for mysql database connectivity
vi /usr/lib64/squid/basic_db_auth

           Go to line below “use Digest::MD5 qw(md5 md5_hex md5_base64);” and enter database credentials, check below
my $dsn = "DBI:mysql:database=yourdatabasename;host=";
my $db_user = undef;
my $db_passwd = undef;
my $db_table = "your mysql table contain username/password";
my $db_usercol = "username column in mysql table ";
my $db_passwdcol = " password column in mysql table ";
my $db_cond = "enabled = 1";

“my $dn=DBI:mysql:database” – Enter your database name
“host” – IP address of your mysql server
“my $db_user ” and “my $db_user” – Don’t make any changes because we already define db username/password in squid.conf (step2).
“my $db_table” – Enter mysql table name where username/password saved.
“my $db_usercol” – Enter the column name where username needs to validate.
“my $db_passwdcol” - Enter the column name where password needs to validate.
“my $db_cond=enable=1” – Enable should be “1” otherwise credential not get validated.(enable=0 means disable validation).

Save and exit (:wq) basic_db_auth file and open squid file in vi editor again,

3.     Enter the below line after step 2
auth_param basic children 5
auth_param basic realm proxyserver
auth_param basic credentialsttl 1 hour

            “auth_param basic children” is the number of basic authentication helper processes squid uses.
            “auth_param basic realm” here you can enter which every string(name) you want to display in authentication box. Here we use proxyserver so authentication box showing the name proxyserver.
            “auth_param basic credentialsttl 1 hour” is used to reduce authentication process load, by using credentialsttl squid cache successful authentication for 1 hour (as per our example).  If any changes happen in authentication server squid may not notice the change until ttl expiries.

4.     Now move to line below “# Example rule allowing access from your local networks.” in squid config

By default there are number possible networks in squid config like
#acl localnet src   
#acl localnet src
#acl localnet src
Enable network which you want to give internet access through proxy by removing “#” with authentication parameters. In this example we use

Below syntax enable authentication for possible networks. In this example we use mysql authentication so whenever a request from series proxy will ask for mysql username/password.
acl localnet proxy_auth REQUIRED src

“acl” – Access control List
“localnet” – name of acl which we allow/denied access in next step.
“proxy_auth REQUIRED” – Using this syntax a request coming from network proxy always ask for authentication.
“src” – network source list


Here we will decide whether we have to allow or deny access to acl’s which we enter in step 4. Syntax below,
http_access allow localnet

Above syntax will allow access to localnet (acl name entered in step4). If syntax is like below
http_access deny localnet
 then it will deny request from localnet.

6.     Squid uses default port 3128 you can change that to any port as you wish. For changing go to line below “# Squid normally listens to port 3128” Syntax below,

http_port 8080

Now squid listen to port 8080 as per above syntax.

7.     Default log file path “/var/log/squid/access.log” you can customize log file path and log name as well, syntax below
access_log /var/log/squid/squidaccess.log

Squid log name change to “squidaccess.log” as per above syntax.

After making above changes in squid.conf save file and exit vi editor using “:wq”.  Now you test the proxy server is working or not, open your browser(chrome) go to settings -> show advance setting->network->change proxy settings->lansettings->enter your proxy server IP address and port number under Proxy Server and click Ok refresh your browser it will ask for proxy authentication. Screenshot below,

Your proxy server is ready with MySQL authentication.

Any doubts and query feel free to post it on comment section.

For proxy server with Radius authentication click on Squid Proxy ServerConfiguration with RADIUS Authentication.



  1. Hello,

    Error related to your mysql db access rights. Try the below solution once,

    Login to mysql server enter command

    # mysql -usquid3 -hyouripaddress -p (Where squid3 is your mysql username)

    if you got error after entering password means SQUID3 user doesn't have rights to logged in with your host ip

    Update your db username privileges with host IP.

    Let me know if error persist.

  2. i configured mysql 8 and squid 3.5 and configured squid authentocation with mysql db with help of this page: https://wiki.squid-cache.org/ConfigExamples/Authenticate/Mysql
    But am getting following error:
    ERR unknown login
    ERR unknown login
    ERR unknown login
    Let me know that where i done mistake?

